变压器市场网-变压器、互感器、电抗器、高低压成套等上下游生态链产品交易促成型平台-byqsc.netBharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Bhopal-变压器类产品展览厅-展览厅-变压器市场网
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  • 展览厅名称Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Bhopal
  • 官方主页http://www.bhelbpl.co.in/
  • 浏览次数85144
  • 更新日期:2025-02-23

     BHEL, Bhopal with state-of-the-art facilities, manufactures wide range of electrical equipments. It’s product range includes Hydro, Steam, Marine & Nuclear Turbines, Heat Exchangers, Hydro & Turbo Generators, Transformers, Switchgears, Control gears, Transportation Equipment, Capacitors, Bushings, Electrical Motors, Rectifiers, Oil Drilling Rig Equipments and Diesel Generating sets.

BHEL, Bhopal certified to ISO: 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001, is moving towards excellence by adopting TQM as per EFQM / CII model of Business Excellence. Heat Exchanger Division is accredited with ASME ‘U’ Stamp. With the slogan of “ Kadam kadam milana hai, grahak safal banana hai”, it is committed to the customers. BHEL Bhopal has its own Laboratories for material testing and instrument calibration which are accredited with ISO 17025 by NABL. The Hydro Laboratory, Ultra High Voltage laboratory and Centre for Electric Transportation are the only laboratories of its in this part of the world.

BHEL Bhopal's strength is it's employees. The company continuously invests in Human Resources and pays utmost attention to their needs. The plant's Township, well known for its greenery is spread over an area of around 20 sq kms. and provides all facilities to the residents like, parks, community halls, library, shopping centers, banks, post offices etc. Besides, free health services is extended to all the employees through 350 bedded (inclusive of 50 floating beds) Kasturba Hospital and chain of dispensaries. 

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