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SPECIAL TRANSFORMERS Special requirements call for special solutions. For this SGB-SMIT Group offers special transformers and inductive components. Audio-frequency remote control systems are reliable and proven solutions
2023-01-22 |
OIL DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS More than 70 years of know-how and experience is reflected in the oil distribution transformers made by SGB-SMIT Group. Our production (in Germany and Malaysia) is based on high-quality production mat
2023-01-22 |
CAST RESIN TRANSFORMERS SGB-SMIT Group is able to deliver Cast Resin Transformers (from production sites in Germany, Malaysia and the USA) with capacities up to 25 MVA and series voltages up to 36 kV. Our offer includes conv
2023-01-22 |
AUTO-TRANSFORMERS At higher voltages, large auto-transformers are used to interconnect the 400kV-500kV systems with either the 230kV-275kV systemsor120kV-145kV systems (the exact values depend on the country being cons
2023-01-22 |
GRID TRANSFORMERS Grid transformers are used in similar situations to autotransformers but are used where the neutral point of both HV and LV system are required to be kept separately. They are physically larger than a
2023-01-22 |
PHASE SHIFTING TRANSFORMERS The bulk transfer of power is mostly a passive affair, where the power flows to the load by the lowest impedance path. To influence this flow, the phase angle of the sendingorreceiving end must be mod
2023-01-22 |
GENERATOR STEP-UP TRANSFORMERS In a conventional power plant, thermalorpotential energy is converted to mechanical energy, which in turn must be converted to electrical energy. A steam, gasorwater turbine is used to drive a rotatin
2023-01-22 |
LARGE POWER TRANSFORMERS UP TO 765 KV Large Power Transformers within the SGB-SMIT Group are manufactured in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. A very modern production facility with no limitations in size and weight, where the transformers can b
2023-01-22 |