变压器油色谱分析是发现变压器内部早期潜伏性故障的重要手段,笔者针对某500 kV变压器在投运初期发生的油色谱异常情况,结合变压器局部放电带电检测和故障定位,综合分析判断了缺陷性质和部位,为随后变压器的内部检查和消缺处理提供了有力的指导意见。内部检查结果与色谱分析、局放定位结果相吻合,充分验证了故障诊断方法的有效性和正确性,为大型变压器油色谱异常后的故障诊断和缺陷处理提供了经验。
Dissolved gas analysis(DGA)plays an important role in transformer latent defect diagnosis. Based on a new 500 kV transformer with abnormal DGA data, combined with on-line PD detection and ultrasonic location, the defect properties and locations are analyzed and diagnosed synthetically, which provides convincing guidance for succedent internal check and defects elimination. The actual results coincide well with the preceding analysis, which have fully confirmed the availability and validity of the defect diagnosis methods, and provide some useful experiences for defect diagnosis of large transformers.