DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS-配电变压器-变压器类产品专区 产品库-供应-变压器市场网
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品 牌: Wilson Transformer Company 
单 价: 面议 
起 订:  
发货期限: 按照买卖双方合同约定日期发货
所在地: 澳大利亚
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-10-14
浏览次数: 2765
Wilson Transformer Company’s Distribution Transformer Business Unit produces standard and specialised transformers ranging in size from 16kVA polemount transformers up to 5,000kVA ground mount transformers at our Wodonga facility. These products form a critical part of electrical distribution networks and ensure reliable supply of electricity to homes and industry.
Our distribution transformers are designed and manufactured for standard and specific customer requirements. Standard proven design methodologies, supported by extensive short circuit tests have proven the product design and ensure superior product performance in the field. Our products are manufactured down a controlled production line with standard work practices utilising state of the art equipment and processes that are subject to strict quality control practices. The product design incorporates step lapped stacked or wound cores with rectangular windings and a suitable clamping structure, resulting in very strong, short-circuit proof distribution transformers. The core and coil assembly is integrated into a tank with or without fin-cooling or alternatively separate radiators to provide appropriate interface connections to the customer’s system.

All transformers are subjected to comprehensive routine tests and specified type tests, in accordance with the customer’s requirements, relevant standards and Company procedures. All high voltage tests are performed in purpose built test facilities that are isolated from the main assembly stations.

Pole mount transformers are designed and manufactured to standard or special requirements, primarily for distribution network companies. Our range includes transformers from 16kVA up to 500kVA, with primary operating voltages of 11kV, 22kV and 33kV. The standard range complies with the AEEMA/ESAA specification for ‘Polemounting Distribution Transformers’.

Ground-mounted distribution transformers are designed and manufactured for standard or special requirements. Our range includes transformers from 500kVA up to 5,000kVA with multiple configuration options that can be customized to our customer’s needs.

Key features and benefits include:

Compliance with Energy Performance Standards
Robust build with integrated quality control and proven performance
Proven supply chain integration
Qualified weld processes
Robust construction for transport to the most inaccessible locations
Excellent corrosion protection systems, including galvanised tanks for rugged long life protection (polemount transformers)
High fire point environmental fluid if beneficial

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