ZGS-04QW ZGS系列组合式变压器(欧式)
idity of the surrounding air is no more than 90%(+25℃).
◆ 产品应安装在无火灾、无爆炸危险、无严重污秽、无化学腐蚀性气体及剧烈振动的场所。
  The equipment should be installed in a stable and less corrosion area.
◆ 超出本技术条件规定时,由用户与制造高协商处理
  For special requests, please discuss with the manufacturer.
◆ 可提供多种结构尺寸箱变外壳。 可根据客户要求外壳可加工为不锈钢壳体、非金属壳体(环保型)和特殊防护涂层。
  Based on customers requirements, our company provides differe
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